A while ago I was speaking to a young girl and I don’t know how the conversation got to this point, but I remember her saying “ oh, Bishop so and so knows me, Pastor so and so knows me, Mrs so and so knows me, they all know me” and this made me think; does the Lord Jesus know you???
The mistake that many make in the church is that they seek for the authorities of the church to know them, but they forget about the Lord Jesus knowing them. They show so much excitement is saying “Hi” to the authorities of the church, but they don’t show the same excitement when it comes to seeking the Holy Spirit. I am not saying that it is wrong to show interest in the authorities, what I am saying is that, it is unforgiveable when we side-line the Lord Jesus. I don’t know about you, but I rather have the Lord Jesus know me instead of Bishop A, B or C, who by the way will probably forget me when he moves to another country! I don’t want the Lord Jesus to say “depart from me, I don’t know you”. I want Him to say “enter good and profitable servant” . What about you???
This is very true Sibon, thanks for sharing this with us. The worst thing of all that you can hear from God is that He doesn't know you. Many people are deluded by the fact that the have been in church for X amount of years, that it automatically guarantees their salvation.