Yesterday was fathers day here in the UK and I decided to do something I have never done for my dad. Usually I would buy him gifts and try and arrange with my siblings to take him to a resturant. This year I was inspired to do an indoor picnic just me and my dad. Honestly I do not see him as much as I would like so this was a great opportunity to catch up with him. I really enjoyed his company and I was surprised how open my dad was and supportive in things I am doing or planning to do. I realised that we have similar attitudes and outlook on things. He gave my some advice and tips of certain things I am pursuing and more precious than any material gift I gave him my time.
Many times we worry about what gift to buy our family members when just being there for them, spending some time with them is what they really appreciate. Though it was fathers day, honestly, my dad made my day :)
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