Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Posted by Sibon Phiri on 07:32 No comments

A drug is any chemical you take that affects the way your body works. Alcohol, caffeine, aspirin and nicotine are all drugs. Generally, legal drugs such as medicines are substances that are used to treat or prevent diseases. They are also used to relieve pains, to help control mental or physical ailments, and even to help diagnose illnesses. 

Although not all drugs are illegal, drugs like cannabis, ecstasy and cocaine, speed, heroin, LSD and magic mushrooms are. These types of drugs have led many people down a destructive path, with some having lost their jobs, families, self-respect and even their lives. Legal drugs such as cigarettes, glue, tablets and alcohol can also have a damaging effect on a person when they become addicted to it. 

I have decided to promote the awareness of drug abuse as it affects many families every day and I believe there are people out there who are addicted and do not realise what it is doing to them and they are others who are struggling to overcome their addiction. 

I have friends who were once heavily addicted to the worst kind of drugs but today they are free from their addictions and living a happy and healthy life. I will be sharing their stories as well as posting information, videos and articles on the affects of drugs abuse but also where you can find real help for the problem.
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