Monday, 7 January 2013

Posted by Sibon Phiri on 05:20 No comments

I purchased the V Woman book a year ago in Israel (The Holy Land) and was served at the bookshop counter by the lovely authour herself. Cool right? As I will read through certain chapters of this book, I will share with you what I learned and how I applied it to my day/week :)

 First Chapter I read: She Makes a Difference 

 “If you want to make a difference in the world, you must have the audacity to be unpopular and controversial". After reading this line, automatically I thought of people like Nelson Mandela, Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King. They went against what everyone else was conformed to and decided to take a stand against the injustice people around them were facing. They believed in what they stood for so much that they didn’t fear being sent to prison for the actions they would take to better the situation. As a result of their actions they made a difference in the lives of millions of people and would positively impact generations to come. They were not just concerned about their own lives but I believed they cared about their people and that is why they made the difference. 

Okay, so bringing it to my own life, from reading the first part of this chapter, what I understand about this subject is that for me to make a difference i have to be willing to let go of my ego and obsession to succeed for my own selfish reason and care about the need of others. The skills and experience that I have gained can be used to help others. My work and drive to succeed is for a cause, not merely to impress and boast about my achievements. 

I may not make an impact as huge at the people mentioned above or change the world but I can make a difference in the lives of those around me, if I am willing to pay the price for it and go against what society and everyone else is to be bring back justice, positivity and truth to their lives. 

To be continued....


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