Sunday, 20 January 2013

Posted by Sibon Phiri on 18:16 No comments

"Everything about us, the way we take care of our looks ourselves and health. The state of our house and how we behave at school or work shows whether we're hard workers or lazy" - from the V Woman Book.

After reading this bit, I saw I was being lazy in doing certain things. I took a positive attitude and paid more attention to the things that I was not doing properly as well as taking care of some things I kept saying I would do “tomorrow”. It felt good tackling the tasks I had been neglecting and though it took a bit of time, I got it done.

 Many times I complained that there just weren’t enough hours in a day but the truth is we spend a lot of hours doing things that do not add anything to our lives and that are not profitable at all. If we stop wasting time on unimportant things, and start engaging ourselves in things that matter and can s change our situation, then we find that our day become productive. Well, at least that is what I experienced.


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