Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Posted by Sibon Phiri on 16:25 No comments

“The more you help others, the more you'll want to because the reward you get from seeing people benefiting from your life is just priceless. You'll never have to boast about what you've done for others - they'll do that for you. Your works will do the praising for you” – V Woman Book 

As a former attention seeker I know too well how frustrating it is to do 'good works' just to be noticed by others but never getting the attention you crave. 

People can see when a person is genuine or not and those who do well and reach out to others because of the sincere desire they have inside of them to help people attract positive attention. They are not even looking for recognition or praise but the work they do leads people to admire and praise them and that shows they are making a difference.


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