Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Posted by Sibon Phiri on 05:29 No comments

I personally believe that nowadays it's not always easy to be patient. This is because messages and information are sent across the world instantly and everything is available with only a few clicks of the mouse. We are used to things happening NOW so when they take longer than expected, we get frustrated. 

However, I have come to learn that patience is a virtue that can be cultivated and nurtured over time. We have to remember that people and things take time to produce the results we want. Some things just can't be rushed. 

Being patient towards others: 

  • Elderly people become fragile as they age so don't be in a hurry to sigh when getting off a bus or when they are walking slow in front of you. You will be elderly one day too. 
  •  Don't get annoyed all the time when your mother keeps asking you how to use certain applications on her smart phone, how to use the laptop or internet. She is trying to keep up with technology. Even if she asks the same thing every day, bear with her until she gets it.
  •  Learning a language is not easy, so remember that next time your colleague or even a stranger whose first language is not English speaks to you but they are not making a lot of sense. Help them don’t rush them. 
  • The bus driver probably has a family to take care of and wants to keep his job, therefore he will not cut through traffic or red lights just so we can get to our destination quicker. He has a speed limit he must adhere to and also must consider passengers such as babies, other young children, pregnant women. In fact our safety is in his hands so be patient with him or better yet, work on getting your driving licence. 
  • Being single isn't something to be ashamed of. In fact, it's a great opportunity to invest more in ourselves, learn new things and become a better person. When the time is right, we will meet the right person for us.
These are just a few examples of exercising patience towards others and some of them God spoke to me directly when I have been impatient..


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