Thursday, 19 January 2012

Posted by Sibon Phiri on 13:59 2 comments

We went to visit the Tomb of Jesus. Here, I was reminded of all that Jesus went through and achieved, through being the Perfect Sacrifice on the cross. Though He did not deserve all He went through, He did it for you and for me. How many times do we despise what Jesus has done for us when we choose to listen to the lies of this world rather than holding on to the truth? When we decide to give in to our emotions and fleshly desires without giving God a second thought and deciding to do things His way and trust in Him? Every time we act in such a way it's like we are piercing Jesus again!

Many times we complain about the sacrifices God asks us to make but they are nowhere near the ultimate sacrifice He made for us. All that God asks us to do is for our own good. So when we are asked to humble ourselves, break the pride, change the bad attitude, be more responsible, have patience with people, to name a few, it is to make us better people for God and through changing we grow closer to Him as well as attracting people to Him through our life.

After participating in the Lord’s Supper at the Garden Tomb, we were asked to look at sacrificing our will in a different way and from that day forward decide to sacrifice with joy. Since then I have been doing just as we were advised and though it is not easy, I sacrifice with joy knowing that what I will achieve through my daily sacrifice is far greater.


  1. That day I started over again once again lol. I love how our life with God has so many new beginnings.. that Holy Super was just the assurance that regardless of anything our Jesus died for us and that is it. He is no longer there...but now he counts on us , and we can do anything in his name. We just have to have the same willingness to sacrifice with joy, much easier sacrifices than his.

  2. This was one of my most favourite sites of the ones we visited. I like the point about sacrificing with joy, knowing that Jesus made an even greater sacrifice and did so with joy because He looked ahead at the victory!Thanks for the post Sibon!
