Wednesday 25 April 2012

Posted by Sibon Phiri on 08:07 2 comments
Yesterday I was talking with my brother about the UK garage songs we used to like back in day. We started remembering artists such as So Solid Crew, More Fire Crew, Ms Dynamite, Heartless Crew and Oxide and Neutrino . We realized just how old the songs they performed really were and that not many people listen to this genre of music anymore. It is all about grime and dub step now, so I have heard.

 We started asking, what has happend to all these artists, what has become of them? It seems they have disappeared from the music industry as their music does not appeal to many people nowadays. But isn't this what the world is like? You are the hottest kid on the block, adored and followed by many until something better and more appealing comes along. Then you become like yesterday's bread that was left unwrapped, dry and stale. All those songs they once sang about, boasting how they were unstoppable, hated by many, solid as a rock, they would never fall and were irreplacable did not carry much weight in the long run. They were good for the here and now but when faced with a hard situation, how many actually hung on to the words they rapped about and put it into practice? Some of them are now serving prison sentences for murder, assault, carrying a lethal weapon and for being caught with drugs!

 It is the same with singers such as Whitney Houston and Michael Jackson who brought us some of the most inspiritational songs this world has ever heard, but they could not overcome their own battles against addiction and insecurities. We can write a script, recite a play, share a facebook status about how nothing will knock us down, how strong we are etc, but the truth is, only when faced with temptation, a hard situation, bad news and the like, will we show who we truly are. I always remember what I read once in Proverbs 24: 10 "If you fall to pieces in a crisis, there wasn't much to you in the first place".  

The great news is that with God we can overcome anything. It does not matter what the world throws at us, if we are despised, put down or rejected. We will some how always find our feet on the ground, always strong and never become dry, but flourish and grow each and everyday, even in the hard moments.


  1. Hiiii honey...I was fixing my blog and thinking about how l haven't been posting in English at all :( or how I haven't been posting at all lately but yet once in a while there is always someone is a way to reach people...the awesome thing is that the option to translate the page doesn't have english lol cuz the last time I was making different pages with the same content but one in portuguese one in english and it got a bit messed up.....oh can always see some updates on my life there...
    And I see that you've been doing the same here.
    May God keep blessing you and using you more and more. And remember that we don't need a title in order to continue being the pledge of the year for God in our spirit. :)
    Hugs & Kisses!

  2. I totally agree with the last part Steph. Thanks for dropping by :)
