Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Posted by Sibon Phiri on 07:09 3 comments
Last Saturday, I attended the Godllywood Pledge Night in London. Since I have been part of Godllywood, I have attended our events either by myself or with a handful of guests. This time round I wanted to bring as many women as possible from my church to this event. It takes 3 hours to travel to London from where I live and the distance puts a lot of people off. However, I wanted the women of my church to know what Sisterhood and V woman groups are really all about and for us to have a lovely day out together.

I thought it was going to be a piece a cake, just simply hire a bus and invite people to come. At the early stages things went well. Many expressed their interest in attending the pledge night and I had more than enough women to cover the costs of the bus that had been reserved for us. In the last week, things started to go down hill. Many people dropped out and those who wanted to go could not afford it. I tried to downsize and get a smaller bus but we had too many people so that was not an option. However we did not have enough people to cover the full amount of the bigger bus. We were stuck in the middle, LOL!

I kept praying and determining that some of the women who said they did not want to go would change their minds and they did! I was very happy with that. But two days before the event, other people called me to say they could no longer go and I was now £200 short for the coach! What to do?

After much praying I decided the only way to make up this amount of money was to raise funds! God gave me an idea to sell ice lollies outside as it was a hot day. I contacted my friend Samantha (who is pictured above) and she agreed to do it with me. On the Friday (the day before the event) we bought as much ice lollies as we could and we went to the university close to the city centre and to a near by park and sold ice lollies. It was a good response, so much so we had to buy more ice lollies. We managed to use the money raised as well as by donations and selling drinks and donuts to raise the money!

I confess it was quite stressful for me at first and I said to my friends, “I will never organise such a thing again”. However, they opened my eyes to see that I should learn from this experience and plan and organise things better next time, having a back up plan in case things don’t work out.

God taught me a lesson through this experience; we can never complain when we do not have money nor should we wait for money to come to us because they are many opportunities around us, even if it means selling ice cream. With £1 we can do a lot and turn our situation around.


  1. True... Hi Sib! This is Eliz.... been a while.... Yes.. and there are many opportunities around us which we often cant see for some strange reasons (which we know the origin)and yea, we cant wait for money to come to us cos it wont we have to go and get it.

  2. well this is sad that the rental bus hiring experience was not good for you but you did wrong by not taking advance money from your friends for the coach and at last moment they refused for paying so take care of this in future so that this coach hire Dublin won't cost you much.

  3. We learn things through mistakes. Many paid in advanced but many also dropped out due to other commitments. The most important thing is that we made a way instead of forfeiting the whole thing. It taught us all a great lesson.
