Saturday, 29 December 2012

Posted by Sibon Phiri on 14:37 No comments

It's amazing what comes out of a person’s mouth when they are under pressure or during frustrating and stressful times. On Sunday morning it's "halleluiah, praise the Lord, God is good all time", then out of those church doors it's back to the constant lies, swear words, curses, bad mouthing people and displaying other negative attitude and words.

Don't think your attendance at church on Sunday or during the week, reciting Psalms 23 or the Lord’s prayer will cover up for what's really inside of you. The profanity that comes out of your mouth is a clear indication that your mind and heart is polluted with filth and negativity. You are filling yourself and surrounding yourself with things that influence the way you behave. This could be music, TV, people and or certain environments you spend your time in. 

Unless you recognise that you have been a hypocrite and make the decision to change, you will continue being a defeated person with a defeated life. You may even achieve little things now and again but you will never find the true peace, happiness and success you long for. Also you will be a stumbling block to others who could potentially enter into the Kingdom of God but who are put off from wanting anything to do with the God you claim to serve because of your hypocrisy. Even worse, on the day of judgement the Lord will say to you 'I do not know you. Depart from me you who practice lawlessness'. 

Your years of warming up the chair in church will count for nothing because you failed to practice the Word of God. 

P.s I was once like this, a hearer of the Word of God but not a doer!


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