I totally agree with the above quote. Many times evil has prevailed in our society, our families and even in our own lives, simply because we gave room for evil to work, by doing nothing.
How many laws, rules and obligations are coming into force that totally go against our faith and beliefs and we are just standing by watching it all happen? Later on we dare to complain how society is demoralizing our generation and is becoming worse, when in fact, we had the opportunity to do something about it in the beginning, before things developed.
I am not fascist, homophobic or whatever else it is you want to call me. I am a woman who has beliefs and is standing up for them. For this reason I am supporting the Coalition for Marriage campaign, have signed the petition and encourage all those who are not in favour of marriage being re- defined by the current Prime Minister David Cameron, to sign it too. Marriage was created and defined by God and should remain that way. No man has the right to change it as he sees fit.
Gay couples already have the Civil Partnership Act 2004 that gives the rights they have longed for so what else do they want? If we start re-defining morals that have positively shaped and structuralised our society a floodgate of absurd rights such as polygamy and 3some unions could come into place amongst many. It will lead to a catastrophe in the way children are educated, brought up and even teachers, parents, religious groups and general members of the public will be bound to something that could interfere with their human rights.
If you would like to do something to prevent this from happening then visit the site and sign the petition.
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