For many years I suffered and I went searching for help. I was a catholic, went to various witch
doctors, tried the party scene but nothing helped me, nothing filled that dark
place and deep sadness inside of me. So, what did I do and how can I now share
so much of this hurt in this message?
6 years ago I found help that transformed my life, took away the hurt,
pain, rejection, complexes and depression, and loneliness and if I was to
continue the list you would probably get bored.
So let me tell you what happened. I found someone that loves me so much that He gave His life for me. No, it's not a man, it's Jesus Christ. I found help and started attending the UCKG HelpCentre and it really was my last hope. I found support and guidance that helped and led me to really know that God is real and could heal the hurt and transform my life. For this process to start I had to first realise I couldn't change my life alone, that I needed help, then that I wasn't alone in my suffering and then to put into practice what I learned and started to build a relationship with God. Something else extremely important was that I had to value myself and think about what I wanted.
Today my life is totally different. Inside i’m full of joy, peace and happiness. I face challenges but never have to deal with them alone because Jesus is with me in all that I do, guiding and protecting me. I am a HR Manager and I absolutely love my job.
The best part is that your life can change too, whoever you are, whatever you have been through or even done. Jesus invites you today to allow Him into your life and to start a new journey with Him in the driving seat, leading you not only to true happiness but eternal life. You can also contact myself or Sibon. We are here to help. My email address is,, my Facebook page is and my Twitter is Feel free to contact me.
It's now in your hands; do you accept this wonderful invitation? Go ahead, as I did, you have nothing to lose but so much to gain!
Lisa Hodgkinson
Let me
know what you think too please? Xx
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