Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Posted by Sibon Phiri on 17:01 No comments

“A man walking into a bank held the door open for a lady behind him. Instead of thanking him, she said, “you don’t have to hold the door because I am a woman’. Smiling, he replied, ‘I’m not doing it because you’re a woman, I’m doing it because I am a gentleman’.”

When I read this I was reminded of the verse that says “you shall know a tree by its fruit”. We do what we do because of who we are inside, not because society, our family, friends and the environment we are in requires us to be a certain way. In fact, we may even put up a façade, follow certain doctrines, set of rules, appear to be a strong, nice or gentle person for a short while but if it is not what is really inside of us, eventually what is really inside of us will come to surface. It always does.

As I write this I am reminded of something a friend once taught me. God did not create us with evil thoughts, desires or bad habits. However, along the way we allowed such things to contaminate and corrupt us. Some we ‘inherited’ wilfully, some unfortunately we picked up through bad experiences, what we saw or heard. However, there is hope and we can be free from all that is negative and become a new person within. It is a matter of us acknowledging what is bad within us, hating it and allowing God to cleanse us within.

The UCKG Help Centre holds spiritual cleansing sessions on Fridays that deals with such things! There are some things that we can achieve by ourselves, but if you find yourself constantly suffocating within, being bombarded with disturbing thoughts and you are trying to quit bad habits and unhealthy lifestyles to no avail and you sincerely want to free from it and be a positive new person, then God is the One who can make this possible for you. You just have to humble to realise you cannot make it on your own and make room for Him in your life.



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